Thursday, 22 September 2011


A good gesture begets another ! SAM represents what is best in humanity ! It is no news that the whole World's prestige is riding on this mission and undertaking. It is impossible not to be aware that SAM has set up a FISHBOWL. SAM's hopes should test the entire to its limits. Best wishes, ever!
God bless you all !!!

By the scores , great seats of Learning , showered SAM with every conceivable academic honour !! With every imaginable distinction in Technology, Engineering, Marketing, Philosophy. Forward and backward integration, Network effect, " Center of gravity of the decision making process " , Social Engineering , Global Psychology , Globalisation , breaking the status quo, and raising greatness to true art form !!

SAM declines with great dignity and humility all Honours!! God and history be the witness. And so be all of you and humanity ! The honours should go to Rabia Sultan, Darakshan Wajid, Maryam Sultan, Haleemah Zia, Hussain Ali, Anum Rasheed, Areesha Ahmed, Sameen Fatima, Arsalan Khan, Ali Zahid, Google, Facebook, twitter, Samad Khurram, Jawad Khan, the true hero, and all the Students of the World. And to those great humans who spoke humanity.

SAM considers honours only for being ignorant and being poignant. SAM now returns to take on Harvard and Oxford "World Students Society of Computers & Internet." Both great and worthy and formidable competitors !! What you will see is Multidisciplinary undertaking. Well, if you want a figure, it is 187. Come hurry and join up. A real roller coaster for the World.
                            God bless you all !! Ameen !!
Hey hey, thank you, YOUTUBE, THANK YOU!

God knows how history will record this honour? But SAM jolted YOUTUBE unto reality. Check it out. They are now talking forms, classrooms and quality education. So, imitation is the best form of flattery !! Hahaha ! Best wishes for you all !