Sunday 24 July 2011


To celebrate the sacred month of Ramadan
SAM is considering setting up an auction feature and wishes to dedicate this feature in the name of Samad Khurram, a great Pakistani son. We’re using this blog to inform him using a tweet to kindly consent to this idea to enable SAM to grow it into a large service.

Under this feature students will take part in a controlled auction on all Pakistan basis. Proper technology will be used by Ms Maryam Sultan to generate 10 winning cell names. An auction will be held . 10 students will be sent Rs.20 worth of credit. We hope this auction will become a regular feature by your participation and grow this into a large national relief.

Angel Samad Khurram to confirm before details are announced.

Proposed by Rabia Sultan
Seconded by Darakshan Wajid

More auctions to follow...