Friday, 26 August 2011


SAM is happy to announce the inauguration of our TALENT HUNT. So all students who, nature has talented, must email us with details. And should anyone of you know a talented fellow student please nominate him right off. Talent could be in any attribute. Be it computers, acting, singing, designing, writing. To honour you, we rename our blog. SAM scholarship and talent blog. Lets give talent a chance!!!?
Essay Contest 
Beacon House vs City School

SAM is thrilled to originate the first trailer of an upcoming essay contest between Beacon House versus City School. Topic will be announced on the morning of 24th September and entries will close up 8pm same day. So both schools look out and start wondering!!!


SAM is delighted and honoured to inform all students the inauguration of national contests. Understand that you will first compete one on one. Then you will have school versus school; university versus university; college versus college. And you will then have country versus country. So cheer on! So lift up! Let the show commence. Best wishes folks and you will need them!!!

SAM is delighted to announce a World Class Poetry Contest
All students rise up to the challenge.

      Topic Oh, fair wind...
      First Prize Rs. 500/
      Second Prize Rs. 300/
      Third Prize Rs. 200/
      Total lines No more than 20.

Please email on before 18th September.
Good luck and hurry on!!

SAM prays for a worthy life

On this solemn day the whole nation is invited to pray with SAM. And to pray for entire mankind. And to pray that the era of humans must dawn. The dignity of a man must prevail. Peace and harmony must be achieved. SAM offers blood, sweat, tears, toil & courage. Ameen!

SAM approaches Angel Samad Khurram for a monthly column

SAM approaches Angel Samad Khurram for balance, nationhood and honour with grace to consider writing a monthly column for SAM directed at global students. Subject - "Student rights in a village world". God strengthen you, good, Sir!

SAM Thanks Bilawal Hameed!

SAM thanks Bilawal Hameed for his response and urges him to consider making a contribution to knowledge by writing an occasional column for SAM on any technology topic that he deems important for global students. God bless you.

SAM honours Rabiya Sultan as Angel of Transformation

SAM founders over weeks clustered up to award Rabiya Sultan this exalted award. For her a 4 GPA is never elusive. This hardworking, focused and devouted SAM leader is one of the kind. She now exudes great technology strengths and could teach a course on the internet in any university. She plans to start her column on technology. She will then take global internet queries. SAM founders clap heron.