Topic - The world is my classroom!
Maximum 600 words.
Last date for email entry 9th September.
Chief judge Angel Vitus Idi.
Cash award best essay Rs. 600/.
Cash award second best essay Rs. 400/.
Let's hurry.
All students to send their essay to
the World is a beautiful and interesting place just like my class room. We learn we teach we make friends some times we want to leave it but we cant . We have some bullies and we have some teacher's just like our parents we share things and learn things to succeed we have to work hard we have exams which are every tough and we have play time in which we enjoy .........
ReplyDeleteThe world is just like a room where people meet and learn from each other ........... we fight and we cry :)
But we always have a friend in world and class room both ...........
if we succeed in Class room we succeed in World we never get anything by not trying but we get it after a long struggle so I say the world is my class room :)
Mubrooka Sajjad
Beacon House School System
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